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Tajanae Crawford

Rise and Shine: How A Christian Morning Routine Can Transform Your Spiritual Life

In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.

This 19th-century hymn speaks volumes about the hunger our soul should have for Jesus every day. Did you know that even our physical bodies also long for the early morning sunlight?

Research has shown that early morning exposure to the sun Is beneficial to our overall health. Getting sun exposure early in the morning creates a spike in our cortisol levels which helps improve our ability to focus and our immune system function, it even prepares our bodies for sleep later in the night.

Woman by a window
Christian Woman Rises Early in The Morning To Meditate

“Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun:” Ecclesiastes 11:7 KJV

If this makes you roll your eyes in disbelief then you must be a late snoozer, and that's perfectly okay. Good news late snoozers, there is still hope for you! If you can’t see yourself as an early riser, getting outside during the afternoon can still give you the benefits you need to maintain a healthy sleep schedule and circadian rhythm. Breathing in the fresh morning air and basking in the warm sunlight is just one step to cultivating a morning routine with God. Here are some practical tips to begin a consistent Christian morning routine:

Now that we have established the benefits of sunlight exposure during the early morning we've got the ball rolling on the start of a good day. Incorporating Jesus into your daily routine with thoughts and prayers of gratitude is an important step in your mental health. Thousands of research studies have been conducted on the positive effects of gratitude stating that daily acts of gratitude can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. Expressing gratitude is always easier said than done, but there are a few ways you can adopt a grateful heart:

Christian Gratitude Journal
As a Christian You Should Practice Gratitude Daily

  • Reflect on the goodness of God: let God’s word captivate your heart, ponder on a daily bible verse.

  • Journal: Designate a notebook to practice gratitude daily that way you can look back and see all that you have to be thankful for. 

  • Challenge negative thoughts/emotions: When you feel yourself saying something negative or you are in a negative situation challenge those thoughts by saying, “Thank you” or reciting one of your favorite scriptures. 

Deep breathing exercises are an essential part of relaxation, and put a pause to the racing thoughts that may ensue through our minds as we start the day. Taking a deep breath and centering yourself with positive thoughts and scripture can lower your stress levels, easily.  Try this deep breathing exercise:

Man breathing in meditation
Deep Breathing Exercises

Box Breathing

  1. Inhale to a count of four.

  2. Hold your air in your lungs for a count of four.

  3. Exhale to a count of four.

  4. Hold your lungs empty for a count of four.

  5. Inhale and begin the pattern again.

Starting your morning with prayer and meditation is not only beneficial to the soul but beneficial to the physical body. Read our recent post about the benefits of meditation. Guided morning meditations are available on the Good Fig Network App. There are various morning meditations that focus on key problem areas for Christians such as stress, anxiety and fear. Beginning a morning routine with God requires just a few quiet moments draw close to God with these 15-minute morning meditations.

Peaceful Morning Meditation:

Free Peaceful christian morning meditation
Try a Free Morning Meditation from Luminous

All in all, establishing a morning routine is beneficial, it sets the tone for our day and prepares us for sleep at night. Sound familiar? God's love is just like that, it sets the expectation for the day and it guides our footsteps. Ground yourself in God's love everyday and he will guide you. For some this may start in the early morning and for others it may start after your lunch break, whatever you decide, please take every day to practice mindfulness with Christ at the center.


Unlock the benefits of Christian meditation by downloading Luminous Christian Meditation on the Good Fig Network App. Find guided meditations, sleep casts, and biblical affirmations grounded in scripture that are tailored to your needs. Start your free trial here.

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